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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Site Security

When you visit the Wise Skies web site (""), we want you to be assured that we make every effort to respect your personal privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998). The purpose of this policy is to inform you on every aspect of data gathering, from why we do it, how we do it and then what we do with it.

Wise Skies is the trading name for Wise Skies Ltd. Any reference here-on in to Wise Skies and will be in reference to Wise Skies Ltd.

What Information do we collect about you?

We collect information from you directly when you register to use Wise Skies including name, contact information, address details, marketing preferences, shopping preferences e.g. favourites from shopping lists, delivery method information e.g.

We also collect information from you over time based on your use of Wise Skies; this includes customer IDs IP Address, transaction information, shopping history.

18 and Under

Please note we do not provide any products to users under the legal age of 18. If you break our terms and conditions your data protection will still be protected if you provide us with data and you are aged under 18 you will be breaking our policy

How do we use it?

We use the Information you provide to us when you register to:

  • Manage your account and enable you to process an order on Wise Skies
  • Verify for your age for restricted products as you must be 18 to visit this site
  • Process payment for your orders
  • Plan the best delivery route for our drivers to take to reach you and to provide you with details about local
  • Assist you with any queries through our contact centre
  • Provide you with updates relating to your order status via email and send you information relating to Wise Skies offers and promotions if you have asked us to
  • Monitor for fraudulent or suspicious activity on your account to keep your account safe.

The information we collect based on your activity is used to improve your shopping experience on the Wise Skies website and for customer insight purposes to match you with a local store for relevant products.

Who do we share it with?

Your Information is shared with Wise Skies colleagues and third parties acting on Wise Skies behalf for the purposes outlined above. We may be obliged to share your Information with Police, Government Agencies and Regulators.

Where is your Information kept, processed or accessed from?

Your Information will be processed safely inside and outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If any country is deemed not to have an adequate level of protection we will always put the appropriate safeguards in place.